14-15 Jun 2021 100% Digital Event (France)

The HTCD2021 symposium

Dear catalysis and high-throughput enthusiasts, here is the final version of the HTCD2021 programme. As you will see, the programme will be divided into 3 types of sessions:
- a common session that will include presentations on biology, chemistry, but especially on data science.
- a session dedicated to chemistry
- a session dedicated to biology
Of course, the last two sessions will be held in parallel. Nevertheless, the programme is quite dense, and we are very happy to be able to offer you an event of such a scientific level. Therefore, we would like to thank all the speakers who have submitted an abstract. This event would not be possible without you!

Information to access the conference platform will be provided here on Friday 11, as well as by email to all the registered participants. Whishing you all a wonderful day!


HTCD2021 goes to 100% digital!

Due to the changing health situation in France, the organising committee decided to organise the HTCD2021 in a fully digital form. For this purpose, a digitalisation service will be used which will offer a 3D rendering of the place where the congress should have taken place (more details here). This scenery, which is intended to be as lively as possible, is currently under construction and a photo gallery should be available on this site some time before the congress. Most of the conferences will be held live, with the possibility of replaying them during 15 days, so that our collaborators on the other side of the world can also follow the congress.

  • In this respect, for the benefit of potential speakers, two lecture theatres are currently being modelled, in which your presentations made live by videoconference will be embedded. The tool chosen for these videoconferences will probably be the Zoom service. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any reservations or problems using this solution. A fallback solution will also be set up, with pre-recorded videos for each speaker.
  • For the benefit of our sponsors, we have of course maintained the possibility of offering a stand where you can present your activities, supported by numerous digital tools such as videos, a chat room, a B2B area or even direct access to your networks for participants.

All this information will of course be sent to you by email after your registration and is available for sponsors on the dedicated page of this website, within the new downloadable flyer.

Also, as we all know that sitting behind a screen for long hours in a meeting can be particularly tiring, the duration of the congress has been reduced to two days. HTCD2021 will therefore be held from Monday 14th June in the morning until 15th June in the late afternoon.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: info@htcd2021.eu



The HTCD2021 will gather the major actors of the catalysts design research field that use high-throughput technologies and equipment. It will held from the 14th to the 15th of June 2021 in Centrale Lille, but as a 100% digital online event.


This first edition of the symposium follows the construction of a collaboration network founded by several european high-throughput robotic platforms dedicated to research in biology (genome foundries, enzyme engineering platforms, microbiology/fermentation platforms, etc.), as well as a first workshop that was organized by these laboratories in Darmstadt in November 2018. In order to greatly improve the exchange of knowledge on the use of high-throughput technologies and equipment for catalysts development between both academic and industrial researchers, the HTCD2021 will extend the scientific domain of this network to chemistry and data treament.

Therefore, the HTCD2021 will regroup scientists that study the automated synthesis, the testing and the characterization of chemo-, bio- and hybrid catalysts, as well as the methods recently developped to accelerate these steps with the use of new data treatments and artificial intelligence processes. In order to maximize the interaction between these different fields of expertise while offering highly qualitative scientific talks, the symposium will include common sessions where all type of catalysis will be presented and dedicated session for biocatalysis and chemocatalysis.



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